Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Old is as old does...

Two days ago I turned 33 years young.  I say young because I don't often feel very old.  I have a LOT of life left in me and there are too many things I want to do in my life to just give up.  It was a typical Monday.  I slept late (mainly because Cooper was exhausted because of being up and down ALL night too) and then spent the morning playing legos with Cooper in his room.  He was so proud of the tiny lego thing we built that he left it up all day and had to show Chris the minute he got home.

 I made us lunch, nothing too exciting.  I think Coop had a pickle, yogurt, cheese and PB on toast (I know...great lunch, but when you have a picky toddler, you give him what you know he will eat AND we covered almost all the food groups).  After lunch came clean-up time.  As I was bending over to pick up the sippy cup that had been carelessly tossed on the floor, it happened.  My back seized up and stuck.  I threw my back out bending over??  And on my birthday, no less.  What an omen, right?  We shall see....

I got this fantastic heating pad for Christmas and wanted more than anything to put it on my back for a while.  There was only one problem.  It was behind the couch.  I could hardly change a diaper without crying, let alone climb behind the couch.  So I had to wait in agony until Chris got home from work.  Needless to say, the heating pad has found a new home.

Chris was wonderful!  He got home, gave Coop a much needed bath, went out and got Subway for dinner and brought me marshmellows from 240 Sweet.  Just two days prior he had brought me roses and gave me money for my birthday (which is going into the honeymoon fund).  He is also taking me to The Melting Pot on Friday.  My parents bought us tickets to Lady Gaga for my birthday, so we will be doing that on Saturday night.  What a birthday!

I am a very lucky girl and not a day goes by that I don't appreciate everything and everyone in my life.  So thrown out back or not, I still consider myself 33 years young.  I have a lot to experience in this life and am blessed to experience it with the people that I choose to surround myself with.

All in all, it was a pretty good birthday.  (Picture below of me and Cooper before the back incident. Oh yeah...we stayed in our jammies most of the day too!  *grin*)

Until next post...
Love each other.